Foods To Help You Lose Weight Easily

By: Gary Kidd

There are many foods that will help you to lose weight. Today I have detailed some of those foods to help you understand why they are important, and to help you lose weight easily.


Yes, potatoes are great for burning fat. It is one of the best starchy vegetables you can eat. It is full of fibre and has tons of vitamins and minerals. It also helps to make you feel full after them. Avoid piling lots of stuff onto them though as this will have the opposite effect. No cream, cheese, butter etc, just a simply portion of potatoes without all the toppings will work wonders for you.


Fish goes great with potatoes and adding a small low fat dressing will really add an extra zang to the
taste. The great thing about eating fish is the oils contained within it. Omega 3 comes in large quantities when eating fish and this helps us to keep our body and mind in shape and focus. It helps our hearts and importantly our mood swings. We all know that when trying to lose weight fast, you will have days when you feel down, so eating fish will help you overcome these depressing days.

Oatmeal for breakfast is great as it takes longer to digest and therefore it keeps your metabolism working longer. Other wholemeal foods will do this also. It helps helps to lower your cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease. If you suffer from high blood pressure, then oatmeal will help to bring it back to normal.

Fruit and vegetables of course and ensure you eat at least 4 to 5 servings a day. These will add vitamins to your body and keep you healthy during this tough time of losing weight.

Pasta and Rice will also help your metabolism to function correctly and many different variations add to the excitement of eating while dieting.

Do not miss out on those carbs as they are vital to you losing weight and maintaining a healthy body.

Do your research on foods and discover which foods to eat and which to avoid when trying to lose weight. Cheia Vida Slim has a fully detailed booklet that gives you the information you need to choose the correct intake of food and what food you should be eating. It shows you what meals to eat and what ones to avoid.

It is always advisable to speak with your local GP before setting out on your weight loss program.

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