Steps on How to Exercise in Less Time and Still Get Results

By: Jesse Miller

While it is true that you can keep your fitness activities slow and moderate, the fact remains that the core of fitness activities is still the intensity of your activities. You may slice up some of your workout activities and try to get breaks in between but then you would also realize that the result would be slow if not no result can be seen at all. Hence, the key to how to exercise in less time and still get great results is INTENSITY.

But how does one add up intensity to the workout routines that one performs as part of his or her workout plan? Here are some basic techniques that you need to know.

1. Drop sets and failure - Failure is doing the weights until you reach your ultimate goal to reach your peak where you can no longer perform a set or repetitions of the set at a good form. Then once you hit the failure, the next thing is to drop the pin in the stack and then choose a lighter weight that you can continue to work on. These are basically what the failure and the drop sets can do to add intensity to your routines.

2. The strip sets - When you perform your workout routines, the drop sets and the strip sets are important things to take into consideration. Hence, what you do here is just almost the same as the drop set. These are technical terms though to refer to the fact that the drop set is used to refer to free weight exercise routines while the strip set is used too refer to stripping a plate off from the entire weight in order to continue the workout routine.

3. The super sets - The super set is another way to intensify your workout through a combination of your exercises or the fusing of two of your exercises. This is because when the routine is compounded, it becomes more difficult and more challenging to perform. Likewise, when you do it in this manner, you get to target more muscles of your body. The most common form of a super set is to hit a failure on your bench press routine and then continue the workout with a flye. Then you can also try a bench press to work on your chest and then use the chin up bars to work on your back.

4. The running the rack technique - The rack refers to the dumbbell holder and this you can perform up or down but usually down the rack. It is more similar to a drop set where what you do is to choose a particular set of dumbbells and then work on it until you hit failure and then try to choose again a pair of lighter weight dumbbells which you can continue. Then you try to run down the rack though usually, since most are required to perform a maximum of three repetitions, then the tendency is also to run down at least three drops.

Lastly, if you have reached your peak or the failure, then you can end up the routine with at most one or two repetitions with the assistance of your fitness expert -this is referred to as the forced repetitions.

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