Exercise Rowing Machines: How To Row Away The Pounds

By: Brue Baker

If you aren't already in good shape you need to get there. And don't try to get in shape and lose pounds from taking pills or powder, you need to take on an actual dedication to your health by getting active and working out. Exercising three days a week for twenty minutes each session, along with a healthy diet of course, will give you the body you have always wanted (or use to have).

Don't Use Your Age As An Excuse

If you are unsure if you are healthy enough to exercise consult your doctor before you work out on any fitness machine. Otherwise, no matter what your age or current fitness level there are exercises and machines that are right for you. One of the best exercise machines for anyone to use is a rowing machine.

There are a number of reasons why people choose to purchase or utilize exercise rowing machines. For some, this is a novel way of increasing strength and endurance. For others, using exercise rowing machines can shake up previous exercise programs by providing a new way of getting some cardio and conditioning in.

For a small few, a rowing machine can be used to burn excess calories. Yes, the words used here are "a small few" as most people opt to use more traditional cardio exercise equipment items as a means of burning up excess calories.

Despite being an excellent tool for burning calories, the rowing machine is not as popular as Nordic tracks, treadmills, or the stationary bike. This is unfortunate as exercise rowing machines can burn calories quite effectively while at the same time increasing lean muscle mass.

How To Use Exercise Rowing Machines

The common design of exercise rowing machines allows for the person using the device to adjust the level of resistance. It can be tweaked to be made very difficult to move or it can be adjusted to have little weight.

If you want to use exercise rowing machines to burn calories then the resistance level on the rowing device needs to be adjusted so that you are using little or no resistance and/or weight. This concept is common among all forms of resistance training: low weight and high reps equal definition.

Now, please do not fall for the fallacy of logic that low weight/high reps means muscle tone. This is simply not true. What really occurs is more calories are burned and that reduces stored fat and allows the muscles to "show."

There is no such thing as toning a muscle as muscles can only do one of two things: get bigger or get smaller. Far too often, people only consider the addition of extra weight as the primary goal of getting better with a rowing machine. This is a limited outlook.

While increasing weight will aid in building muscle and strength, lessening the weight also has a number of positive benefits as well. For example, when you have little weight or resistance, you can do more reps and do them faster. This will burn calories as the purpose of using the device shifts from strength training to a cardio workout designed to burn calories.

Now that you now how to benefit from and how to use a rowing machine you should consider trying one. It can be a particularly good exercise for those who are looking for a good low impact exercise oppose to running, which can be jarring on the knees and back. Just make sure that you are dedicated and committed to actually using it. The machine won't do anything for you unless you are on it.

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