Professional Sports Specialist Coach, Rob Elliott, realizes that today's coaches/athletes practice time and space are limited and athletic burnout and injuries can be eliminated & avoided. Elliott has been improving the way the athlete trains & performs by stepping outside the box of traditional training methods and involving more functional sports specific training drills & exercises. The moves he demonstrates focuses on First Step Explosive Speed, Balance, Coordination, Athletic Rhythm, Core & Stability Strength, Functional Warm-Up & Flexibility, Agility & Quickness, Reaction Time, Body Control, Change of Direction, Linear/Lateral Movement & Vertical Power Development. All of which can be incorporated into any team practice, class setting, or personal training lessons. Watch more than 225 drills and exercises used by the top professional coaches, athletes & personal trainers from around the world.
PERFECT FOR - Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Football, Volleyball, Hockey, Lacrosse, Tennis, Field Hockey, Gymnastics, Rugby, Bodybuilding, Boot Camp Instructors, Boxing, Martial Arts, Personal Trainers, Phys. Ed. Instructors, Track Athletes.
My team`s enthusiasm and excitement for practice is shocking. They can`t get enough and they cant wait to see what we will do next. My energy as well has been shifted into high gear. This is the ultimate collection of drills. No long drawn out explanations. Just in your face with one drill after the other. Just awesome! I have enough drills to last for years.
Coach Elliott demonstrates hundreds of drills that uses absolutely no special training aids or equipment and he uses less than 40 feet of space. Click here and watch coach Elliott demonstrate over 30 plus drills. or visit