Cowboy Boots - A Great Addition To Your Wardrobe

By: lynter
The cowboy boot. The very name name conjures up images of John Wayne riding into the sunset or driving a herd of cattle. But is the cowboy boot still popular? Because of its still rugged construction, the answer is yes! We often see movie stars and music performers wearing cowboy boots on the covers of our favorite glossy magazines.

But how do you know what kind of boot will flatter your outfit? Should you try to match colors, or go with contrasting? Is it ok to pair a mid knee length skirt with boots? Following are a few ideas to keep in mind as you go shopping for your new cowboy boots.

Cowboys first used these boots because they needed footwear that was sturdy and strong. They worked long days and need a boot that would be able to keep up with them without hurting their feet. Today, however, these boots are not only for the hardworking farmhand. Businessmen can wear them to the office and even women have started to get in on 'the action'.

Almost every cowboy boot will have some type of heel, but you can also choose between pointed or rounded toe. Cowboys of days gone by would not have used the pointed toe boot as it would have pinched their feet and would not have been suitable for a long hard day of pitching hay and plowing fields.

Because these boots are smooth and have no tread on the leather soles, they are not good for wearing on snow and ice, but are perfect for going out to the local country western bar and sliding on the dance floor. Whether you are line dancing or dancing with a partner, cowboy boots make an ideal addition to your outfit.

So you like the cowboy boot but don't know what to wear with it? The good news is they can be worn with just about anything. For a classic, feminine look put the boots with a pair of nice fitting blue jeans and a trendy, stylish top. For a rugged, masculine look, add a button down shirt and a belt.

Because women usually have a more colorful wardrobe, she will get a lot of use out of cowboy boots. They can be worn with a long skirt, boot cut jeans, a shorter skirt, a nice pair of slacks or, for the Daisy Duke look, a pair of cut off shorts.

When you are picking out your new cowboy boots, it is advisable to go and try them on as opposed to buying them online. Try on several styles and colors to be sure they are going to be comfortable dancing or wearing to work.


Cowboy boots have never been out of fashion and since they can be worn by either men or women to the office or to the bar, they make a great addition to your wardrobe.

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