Your business is successful, but now your ready to take it to the next level and begin accepting credit card transactions, or you have already taken this step but your feeling that your merchant account provider has high fees and your not sure what to do, or what other providers are out there?
You can save hundred's even thousand's of dollars per year by switching over to a new merchant. How is this so?
Just in transaction fees alone if one provider is charging you 35 cents per transaction and another Merchant account provider charges 25 cents you are already saving 10 cents per transaction.
If you process over 1000 transactions per month thats already $100 per month savings and over one year this amounts to $1,200.
Merchant Accounts can make or break your business, whether it is online, retail, phone, mail, or wireless. Every Merchant Account provider has fees that can affect your business in different ways.
We have compared the best merchant account providers currently in the business and we have detailed their fees so you know exactly how much you will be charged.
If you would like to find out who our trusted merchant account providers are and a list of their fees you can find it all on