I would like to introduce you to the Blaine family. A typical family with typical problems in today's world.
Tom, 39 is the head of the human resources department of the local school district. His good friend, the business manager, is embezzling money. He has to fire him and hire a replacement. The secretary messed up payroll. And he is seeing a teacher, a women he is attracted to.
His wife Amy, 38 is a secretary in a large real estate company. She finds a lump in her breast. She is worried about the kids and their money problems. Her oldest daughter was in a car accident, and is laid up with a broken leg.
Eddie, 16, flunked his written driver's test and an English test. His friends want him to smoke. Some friends want him to sell drugs, so he can make money to buy some things for his girl friend. He got suspended from the basketball team for fighting. He wants to go all the way with his girl friend. Then he sees another guy with his girl.
Before you know it, Tom and Amy are called on an emergency. Eddie got Tom's gun and went after his girl and new boy friend. In a stand off by police, Eddie shoots the boy friend.
Is this all too familiar? Does it happen in our society? All too often. Can it be prevented? Yes, it can if you know what to look for. How does stress reveal itself? It can be seen in Tom, Amy, and Eddie. How can you tell? And how do you know when someone is capable of violent behavior.
It is all revealed in a new dynamic report "Predict & Prevent Violence." For more information about this report go to; http://www.words4-u.com/violence.html. Kathy Thompson helps people succeed in life and business with her FREE weekly ezine "Face Up To It - You Can." For a sample copy, send a blank email; express2success@demandmail. Contact Kathy at writing4u@words4-u.com