Who hasnt heard of the Rich Jerk?

By: netoptions
If you haven't heard of The Rich Jerk, you must have been in a remote area for some time.

Whether you've already heard of The Rich Jerk or not, you might want to look at his sales letter and see what you can learn.

Who The Rich Jerk was remained a mystery for a long time, except to a favored few. Everybody was trying to guess. I personally thought he might have been a retired wrestler from the WWE, considering his methodoligy. There are ideas everywhere if we just see them.

Whether The Rich Jerk was a 38 year old wannabe living with his mother and driving an old beater when he first published his sales letter, by now he would be pretty much what he portrayed himself to be.

I don't want to give too much away for those few who may not have seen his material.

But what has The Rich Jerk done here? Well, he is either a genius, or he stumbled into something that really worked well.

I doubt if The Rich Jerk had to spend much of anything on advertising when he first published his sales letter except to first get noticed. Or, if he was really already a Rich Jerk, he probably got a few of his friends to make a reference to his sales letter in a forum.

Something like "Have you seen the sales letter written by The Rich Jerk? Is this for real? Who does this guy think he is anyway? Read his sales letter at XXXX and let me know what you think".

Now, a couple of people see this post and go to The Rich Jerk's website and before long it is in all the forums across the Internet. The biggest buzz since Mark Joyner retired.

Talk about a press release! The genius here is that The Rich Jerk built a self-perpetuating advertising widget right into his sales letter. Read that again and think about it. How much would you have to spend on advertising to get the same results?

I know I first heard of The Rich Jerk in a forum. And before long I began to see posts in all the forums I frequent about him. Forums can be like the old party lines or the game of gossip. Whatever you think about him or his material, this is advertising at it's best.

Look up The Rich Jerk in Alexa and see his stats. This site is less than a year old.

I am not suggesting that anybody do what The Rich Jerk has done, specifically, there are plenty of people already that have clone sites. What I am saying is use the basic concept, tweak it somehow. Create your own buzz and free traffic.

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