One of the most effective traffic generation systems that you can have to sell your affiliate products, is article marketing. If you have not heard of this before, article marketing is when you write an article that is linked to the subject that you are trying to promote and then get other site owners to publish it on their websites. The reason why this works so well is that it is beneficial to both the publisher of the web site or ezine and also to the writer.
The site owner gets some fresh content for his site or ezine without having to write it for himself, or pay to have it written and the writer gets to publicize their website or affiliate product. Article Marketing is a great way to produce a residual income for your affiliate programs. After all if you write a really good article then it will be published on many websites and read as long as the web site is running. You should usually include a resource box at the end of the article that tells the people that are reading it, who you are and what affiliate product or website you are promoting. You should also include a link to your site so that if the reader has enjoyed reading your article and would like to find out more about the subject (and hopefully buy from you), then they can just click straight trough to your site. This is why it is very important to make sure that the article that you write is very relevant to the affiliate product that you are promoting. There is not point in writing about food when the web site that you are linking to is for web hosting. When the readers of your article click through and find something different to what they are interested in, then they will just click away again. There are several ways to get your articles published so that they can provide a good residual income for you through your affiliate programs. The most popular one is to submit your article to article directories. Then when the web site owner looks for new content there, they will see your article and use it on their site. Probably the most effective way of getting your article onto the right sites is to contact the web site owner and ask them if they would like to publish it, but unless you use a system that lets you contact lots of owners at once, it can be very time consuming. Article marketing is a great way to provide a really good residual income through your affiliate programs. |
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