Anxiety is a type of mental state that is the result of combination of negative emotions such as fear, apprehension and worry. The people suffering from it have physical reactions like palpitations, chest pain, breathlessness, nausea etc. However contrary to popular thinking a normal amount of anxiety is very important for the survival of any organism.
When anxiety crosses the normal limit and hinders normal functioning of a person it results in a mental state termed as anxiety disorder. There are a variety of anxiety disorders. The common ones are social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, panic disorder, separation anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. These disorders have different symptoms and characteristics, however generally anxiety has the symptoms mentioned below. Cognitive Symptoms: Increase in blood pressure, increased heart beating, palpitations (irregular heart beat), sweating, increase in blood flow in the body, immune and digestive functioning is inhibited, irritated bowel movement, head aches, tingling, chest pain, rubbery legs, etc. Somatic Symptoms: Paling of skin, sweating, trembling, dilation of eye pupils, dizziness, twitching of facial muscles, stuttering etc. Emotional Symptoms: An expectation of threat, dread, panic, nausea and chills, irritation, insomnia, isolation, feeling overly self conscious, strong desire to escape, jumpiness, feeling that you will die etc. Behavioral: These are voluntary and involuntary reactions such as screaming, running, jumping etc to escape or avoid the source or perceived source of anxiety. Symptoms differ according to the disorder. Social Anxiety: It is a type of extreme shyness where the person avoids social situations causing disruption in social and professional relationships. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A person suffering from this feels continuous apprehension to vague and diffused threats. The physical symptoms like fatigue, sleepiness, stomach upsets etc are usual. Phobia: It involves extreme and unrealistic fear of an object, activity, situations (example, spider, swimming or confined spaces). The person tries to avert the fear by any measure. Panic Disorder: It has the symptoms of repeated and sudden panic attacks. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Its symptoms include unwanted thoughts and behavior like frequently washing hands, thinking of accidents to near ones etc. Separation Anxiety: The fear of separation from parents, siblings, spouse and children etc. If you are suffering from any of the symptoms above, you should consult a doctor. Also a variety of treatment/therapies/techniques are available to cure anxiety like medicines, cognitive behavioral therapy, proper diet, exercise, laughter therapy, yoga, breathing techniques, relaxation methods etc. Many experts believe the fundamental cause behind anxiety is boredom and the search for a meaningful purpose in life. |
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