The lungs are organs found in the chest cavity. When air enters through our nose or mouth, it passes on through the trachea, then into the bronchi and into the lungs. The lungs provide the oxygen that the blood carries to the rest of the body. It is very important to take care of our lungs so our body has the oxygen it needs to function properly.
Lung cancer is occurs when the cells inside the lungs malfunction due to certain factors. According to statistics, smoking causes 87% of all lung cancer. This disease is one of the major causes of death in America. There are more cases of lung cancer than all the other types of cancer put together. The more you smoke, the more you are prone to lung cancer. The disease can be prevented if the person quits smoking before it is too late. It can also easily go undetected until it is in the advanced stages. What are the common indications that you have lung cancer? First, coughing caused by the irritation of the lining of the lungs and blocked air passages, chest pain, pneumonia, bronchitis, weight loss and loss of appetite and fatigue are the symptoms of this deadly disease. If the malady gets worse, it can also cause headaches and pain in the bones. Smokers are not the only ones prone to lung cancer. The passive smokers, the People who inhale smoke from other people's cigarettes, are also prone to contracting it, even if then don't smoke themselves. Particles coming from asbestos and other industrial carcinogens are also causes of cancer. But there are more people who acquire it through smoking than for any other reason. There are two types of cancers. The first is the small cell cancer. The small cell cancer is the type of cancer that spreads easily during the first stage of the disease. It is treated by chemotherapy with uneven results. The non-small cell cancer is the most common. Almost 75% of the cases of lung cancer fall in this category. It is divided into four types, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, large cell carcinoma and bronchoaveolar carcinoma. This can de treated with surgery, followed by chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. It is hard to quit smoking, especially if you are a chain smoker. Knowing the harmful effects of smoking to the body is necessary to help you to decide to quit smoking. If you don't want to get lung cancer in the future, then you better quit smoking now. |
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