Diets May Not Work, But There IS A Better Way

By: isobreathing
To be blunt, but hopefully not tactless, the reality is that, as an aging, overweight and probably over worked, woman, you have tried many diets, and gained little progress. Don't feel bad; you haven't failed the diets, the diets have failed you. Diets, alone, may produce short term results, but are not enough to achieve the long-term goals you desire. Proper "diet," that is to say continued commitment to healthy nutritional balance, along with a weight loss exercise program that fits your needs and busy schedule, combined with some level of aerobic activity, is the three-pronged ticket to lifetime health and weight control.

Turn yourself around, and help turn back the clock, by investing 10 minutes a day in an isometric weight loss program. That's right; 10 minutes a day, plus 5 or more repetitions of a specialized rhythmic breathing method, will have you feeling progress in 4 to 7 days, and seeing surprising results in just a week.

Age is not a factor in fitness. Anyone who can sit in a chair can achieve dramatic weight loss in excess of 10, 35, 50 or even 100 pounds, depending on present condition and specific needs. How is this possible? The answer lies in learning and practicing simple and efficient isometric exercises and breathing techniques.

Isometric exercise, which involves no bulky equipment or costly health club fees, is a matter of properly utilizing your own muscles, in resistance to each other, to create muscle contraction. Maintaining the contraction increases tension, which expends energy and burns calories. Most of the simple exercises, which can be learned from a trainer, books or an exercise DVD, can be performed sitting in a chair in the quiet of your own living room. You will also be taught how to breathe in a controlled, rhythmic manner, in order to increase oxygen-rich blood-flow through your body. This diaphragmatic breathing can be practiced virtually anywhere at any time.

If "Isometric" is a new word for you, just make room for it by removing "Calories" from your vocabulary, as you no longer have to count them. Keep in mind, you are not dieting, you are committing to a healthier lifestyle.

An added, and important, benefit to isometric weight loss exercise is that you are in complete control. The exercises allow you to choose a comfortable level of resistance, so that you never experience pain, soreness or stiffness. Forget about "feeling the burn."

Any amount of resistance contributes to your progress, so you can start slowly and work yourself up, without the risk of strain.

By following the simple steps outlined above, you will lose weight and inches, and gain strength, energy and self-worth. Pitch the diet books and tapes, and pick up an isometric exercise program. You won't regret it.
E Diet

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