Powerful Negotiation Tips for the Business Coach

By: crackmarketing
Negotiation is the art of convincing people and involves resolving disputes, agreeing upon a course of action, bargaining for individual or collective advantage and attempting to find the best possible outcome. An effective negotiation serves the mutual interest of both the parties involved. Negotiation is a skill and it needs to be mastered in order to benefit from any deal, without putting in much of an effort. As a business coach, you need to negotiate at different junctures. These include fee structure and coaching timings too. A successful strategy plays a significant role in the negotiations of a business coach.

Tips to powerful negotiation for the Business Coach:

There are several tips that can help a business coach to negotiate. They are:

. Specify and focus on what you want and be willing to negotiate with your clients. There are a number of implications that need to be negotiated, especially at the time of initiating a deal. You should feel free to talk about the things that might not appear to be negotiable on the surface.

. It is important to stay calm, patient, focused and above all professional, while negotiating.

. Stir the conversation in a way that the client talks about the coaching related charges, instead of you announcing the figure first.

. You should ask for a higher amount than what you expect. Address the issue politely with the client and ask him to raise the amount of fee, without any hesitation.

. You should never show eagerness in excess. It is necessary to convey an impression that you might walk away from the deal, if you do not get the desired coaching fee. This act of pretence helps a lot in closing a better deal.

. You need to be aware of the ability to question the rules that may be tried on you by the other person, while signing the contract. It is important for you to agree to the points mentioned in the contract, else you have all the right to negotiate and dispute.

. The key to a successful negotiation revolves around the agreement between the two parties. In order to create goodwill, you should try ignoring the issues that do not affect you.

. Try to project that as a business coach you have a number of options and it is the client who is desperate. More often than not, the side that has the most options also has the most power.

. You should have the ability to read and make use of inherent abilities, while negotiating with clients. It helps to know what is going inside the mind of a client.

. Try to reserve your option of accessing a higher authority. Tell the other party that you need to report to a higher authority that needs to approve of the deal. You should not disclose that you could easily close the deal. Try to refer to the higher authority as a vague entity, such as a committee or board of directors.

. You need to try to make the other party offer a split the difference in the negotiation. It would help you to get them to split the difference or in case they do not, then you can reluctantly agree and convey the idea that they have eventually won.
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