The best way to come closer to the animals of the
Galapagos, is by means of soft movements, or without moving when you have them in front, and not to make bubbles. If you move to come closer, a turtle that rests, a shark that happens and even a gigantic whale, they will get scared. The only submarine animals that won't be terrified of your presence (if you find them) they are the murderous whales and the lions marine male adults. But be careful with these last ones, because they can bite. Another way to come closer to the animals is to stay hidden under the water during the whole time while you dive. The marine turtles, the sharks, the lines and other animals usually swim for the surroundings and they are very curious. They can happen until to a meter of distance of you. RULES FOR DIVING
- It follows your guide's instructions, never make immersions with decompression.
- The maximum depth of any immersion should be 30 meters or 100 feet.
- Make stopped of security after each immersion.
that the first immersion is the deepest., you should finish your immersion with about 500 p.s.i. or 40 bars of air in your tank, - If you lose to the group, look for them during one minute, and if it is not, possible to find them, rise to the surface, never leave a tank without surveillance in the cover, it always dives with your partner, don't play neither bother the animals neither the plants, you could be bitten or dive, don't pick up anything of the ocean, only if it is garbage, you don't leave yourself the diving area specified by your guide.
- Keep the nitrogen levels in a sure range. Don't go to the limit of those, charts or the computer, never try to dive if you don't feel sure of being able to control the situation, make sure that your guide, the driver of the ship or any other person watches over you the whole time,
- If a problem happens in the surface, keepe calm and a positive attitude, if it catches you a current, don't fight against her. The best thing is to relax, to float and to make signs to the ship.
- You should follow all the indications of security that your guide will explain to you in a very serious way when of instructions. The conditions of the islands Galapagos are so variable that the guides can only make once an evaluation of them in the diving place. Also, the conditions can also change during the immersion.
- For your security, we also recommend thoroughly that you have a valid member card of the D.A.N. (Divers Alert Network).
- In the event of emergency, in Port Ayora is a hiperbaric chamber, operated by PROTESUB DIVING
, it leaves of the SSS Recompression Chamber Network.