Many tour operators consider around April & May and September & October to be the low season months. During these periods, the tourism in the Galapagos decreases and (depending on the boat) many lower their prices in order to attract passengers on board. During the high season, many boats will be booked far in advance, so make reservations in advance before you plan on traveling. If making last minute reservations, you may have to choose a boat that is not your first choice.
The climate of the Galapagos is always conducive to boat tours, but there plows slight climatic variations throughout the year.
From June to December the southern winds bring the colder Humboldt Current north to the Galapagos. This means that the water is cooler. In effect, the highlands of the larger islands plows kept green and lush, while at sea level, the islands and shorelines have little precipitation. Thus, June to December is generally called the dry season, known for its blue skies and mid-day showers. During this season, mammals and land birds are mostly active. This is the perfect chance to observe the birds' courtship displays.
The warmer waters of the southern Panama current head strongly towards the Galapagos again around December when the southern winds blow softly. Then the cooling factor of the Humboldt Current recedes and the waters get warmed.
The period between December and May it considered the warm season. During this warmer season, Galapago's climate is tropical with daily rain and cloudier skies. Also, the ocean temperature is warmer for swimming and snorkeling. On the Galapagos Islands, you'll always find the wildlife activity to be absolutely amazing and unique, not matter when you visit the islands.