It is located on the north of Kamploops on the Yellowhead Highway. You will find Clearwater with pure and clear water all around. Gateway to the Wells Gray Provincial Park, this part of Canada is a paradise for vacationers. Clearwater is trifurcated into regions: village beside the Thompson River, the new town beside the Clear water Bridge and a place with full of modern amenities like restaurants, hotels and visitors info center.
People of first nation inhabited this region first in 1860 when the came across this mountainous region in search of gold.
Majority of the first nation people was Okhels who were defeated by the Chilcotins in 1870. Places in Clearwater have names such as Fight Lake, Fight Creek and Battle Mountain. Clearwater got the recognition of Raft River from John Smith, the founder of the valley after the turnoff the century.
Advent of Canadian Pacific Railway in the Valley changed the entire perspective of Clearwater. Rails became the chief medium of transportation. It replaced the steamboats which used to cover up a distance of 30 kilometers east of Clearwater. Once you are here, you will hardly like to get back to the pavilion. The mountains are majestic at Wells Gray Provincial Park which forms the picturesque backdrop. Rivers, lakes, streams and forest all combine together to make Clearwater a favorite destination of tourists. Water Rafting, Downhill skiing
, Wells Gray Provincial Park and Clearwater Visitor info center are some of many activities and spots to enjoy on Clearwatertour.