When it comes to travelling to Brazil, there are a number of things that all tourists should keep in mind. One thing in particular which you should keep in mind is that summer starts in December instead of June and that it ends in February when most other countries are experiencing the last of winter. By knowing this type of secret information, it will enable you to have a more enjoyable vacation.
What to Pack for Your Vacation
When it comes to packing for your trip to Brazil, there are a number of factors that you need to keep in mind. The first is that as any local will know, it can be extremely humid and so you need to keep that in mind when you pack your clothes. You may find that sealable plastic bags come in extremely handy as they will protect your camera if you are taking one.
Another thing that you will need to consider is any prescription medication that you may need. Ensure that you have some extra medication for your trip if needed and also ensure that you let Customs know about the medication that you need. You should also take over the counter medication with you such as aspirin as it may well come in handy. It was for me during my
flight from Malagalast spring.
Health wise it is important to carry around insect repellent and sun block though you can get both of those whilst you are in Brazil. Before you actually go to Brazil you will need to have some Hepatitis shots. You will find that Hepatitis A, B and C are quite common in Brazil. This means that you will also need to be aware of common hygiene rules such as always washing your hands before you eat. Carrying around a disinfectant for your hands is also a really good idea.
When it comes to packing clothes the rule is to pack a few outfits that can be mixed and matched. You really should pack as light as possible. You will notice that most Brazilians tend to dress casually so packing casual clothing is definitely advised.
With documentation you should always make copies just in case you lose the originals. Get friends to carry some copies and also leave some copies at home too.
Due to the humidity it would be a good idea to carry some perfume/aftershave around with you. Also carry plenty of deodorant to keep yourself smelling and feeling fresh. It would also be a good idea to carry sandals around with you as that will really help to keep your feet cool.
Overall there are a few things that you need to remember when it comes to packing for your trip to Brazil. So take your time when packing and that way you will have the best possible time when you are on your vacation.