Using Statistics: Ethnic Career Advancement Research

One of the drawbacks to using numbers rather than anecdotal reports is that number only capture exactly what is asked with the more subtle messages simple missed. In a variety of emotional issues using statistics, ethnic career advancement research being a good example, are often more confusing and potentially problematic than listening to the stories that the individuals have about this issue.

There are some known facts, statistics, ethnic career advancement research, which can shed light on the difference between promotions and advancements within the workforce. The following information from the United States EEOC or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission highlights some for the statistics, ethnic career advancement research and trends in the United States today:

• In 2000 14.3 were women

• Approximately 11.7 of technicians were minorities

• in 2002 companies owned by African Americans increased by 45% to 1.2 million nationwide

Information on these statistics, ethnic career advancement research and trends may not, however, show the complete picture. Many minorities report that they are not provided with the same opportunities for training an supervisory positions that non-minority employees have. In addition many minority employees report that they are more closely monitored and that they tend to have less on-the-job training and support as other employees that are not of the same cultural group.

In a way to counterbalance the information provided by statistics, ethnic career advancement research, surveys and reports, many businesses have adopted policies that clearly establish a non-discriminatory promotion process. This can include everything from implementing promotions based on the make-up of the workforce through to allowing employees to actually support promotions based on a self-evaluation or peer-evaluation model. As with any type of program there are always issues that can arise, especially when one employee sees that race or minority status may have played a factor in another's promotion or their lack of advancement.

One of the most successful ways to avoid the pitfalls highlighted by statistics, ethnic career advancement research and possible discrimination by management regarding promotions is requiring all managers and supervisors to complete a recognized cultural sensitivity training prior to participating in any type of selection for advancement. These courses allow professionals to carefully examine any hidden cultural biases they may have that may impact their selection of potential managers or supervisors based on their ethnicity. In addition the courses often allow various minorities and non-minorities to interact in an educational setting, increasing understanding and awareness for all involved in a supportive and educational setting.
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