How to Make a Fake Window

By: Realstorm

We can not imagine there is no window in the room. But we can add a fake window in order to increase the dramatic effect of the room. Although the window will let in no extra light, it will still serve to perk up the place simply by adding a splash of color and dimension. You can make the fake window by yourself. Purchase a dry erase board or something similar, the size of the desired window; use a poster to place a scene in the window. Glue or otherwise affix the poster or puzzle to the board. Flat, thin pieces of wood can be used to section off the poster for the appearance of glass panes.

Hang the board up on the wall and sturdy the board where it won't swing or sway if bumped. After the fake window is in place, measure it for curtains. You can simply hang the curtains up over the board or do a layered look.

And you can also purchase a real window unit and attach it to the wall. Again, you can put a poster behind it, and with the real window, you can open the curtains. If you'll be opening the curtains, the important thing is the realistic-looking poster. To attach the poster, glue, staple or tack it to the part of the window which will face the wall. Affix it to the frame of the window and the scene won't look like it's pressed up against the glass. This is the best way, since trying to fit pieces of the poster into each pane will give a chopped look to your scenery and be more difficult to do. The curtains can be pulled back or left down if using a poster. You can also opt for a more simplistic look by simply placing a valance over the top of the window, then placing plants around the window.

Posters play a very important role in the process of making fake window. Therefore you should choose posters carefully.

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