For many network marketers their business is like a religion to them. They like to argue about what company is the best, about what product is the best and about what compensation plan is the best. The truth is that there is no one perfect company, there are many. And what appeals to you won't appeal to everyone.
Understanding what it takes to find a winning network marketing program is critical, because that's where it all begins. Make a poor choice here and it will haunt your entire marketing effort. No matter how good your marketing, if you have the wrong offer for your prospects, or the wrong offer for you, you will fail. Realize that "network marketing" is not a commodity. Realize that a "system" is not a business in and of itself. There are a lot of scams that focus not on what's actually important in business, namely selling the product and/or service, but on the system. Basic principles of network marketing: The concept of network marketing is not only simple, it's a very viable distribution and marketing choice for certain types of businesses. It's the very reason that network marketing is such an attractive business model not only for home business entrepreneurs, but for corporations as well. The first basic principle of network marketing is that as a rule, person-to-person sales are more effective than TV, radio, print or direct mail advertising. Moreover, network marketing employs this method of marketing primarily with a person's warm market or the people the marketer already knows and that know him or her. Products that require a certain amount of consumer education benefit most from this method of selling. The concept is then expanded, in that customers who are sold on a certain product can be motivated to sell it themselves, and to recruit others to become sellers as well, forming a business "network" over time. Sellers will have an incentive to sell and to recruit others, as they'll be paid commissions both on their own sales and their recruits' sales. In other words, the larger your network, the more money you can make. Last, but not least, success is not guaranteed. This is important because risk is inherent in any business. While network marketing is a relatively easy business it is still a business and this is something that many people lose sight of as they look for high rewards for very little effort. In the end only the best products and services, and only the best network marketers will survive in the business. How do you ensure your business success? Simple: find a good reputable company to promote! Learn what makes a good company and understand that you (and your future prospects) have many options. When you find the right company, commit yourself to marketing ethically. Stay clear of hype and earning claims. Don't talk about how much money your prospects can make and how fast with the intent to impress them. Network marketing is not a commodity. There's more to building a sustainable business than just a compensation plan. Key to determining your ultimate success. There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a network marketing company. Some of them are important and some aren't. In order to have success, you must have passion for your product, service or companies mission. Many people join a network marketing program because they want to make a quick buck or earn a little extra income. 99% of the time this is not enough to move them to action. Humans are lazy by nature. And in nature this makes a certain amount of sense: Conserve energy for important tasks. But in business and many other areas of our lives (health, relationships, finances, etc.) it causes us to gravitate toward doing nothing until we have to or are sufficiently motivated to do so. Every truly successful person has one thing in common: They are passionate about what they do. Think about this for a moment. If you hate your job no amount of money will make you like it. Large sums of money may make it more tolerable, but you still won't like it. This is why it's so important to have a product or service that you can promote passionately. A similar thing can be said for being passionate about a company's mission or having your own mission that you can step behind 110%. This passion will drive you to success and you will love the journey! Just be sure not to let passion compromise your ethics. Some marketers are so passionate about their product or service that they start to modify the facts about it. Remember, that claims you make about your opportunity or product can be checked. Don't let your enthusiasm turn your marketing into hype. Find true passion for your business and you will find success in network marketing. |
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