Network marketing is one of the best ways to create wealth, even for the average individual. Yet, most people in network marketing never get beyond the starting gate. Why? The answer is simple - they don't take the necessary actions to build their business.
The first step is to make a commitment to become a professional network marketer. This requires building your business as a business. Building your business as a business means building from a plan. You MUST become a professional network marketer. You cannot continue to do what has not worked for you. Realize you MUST be open minded and willing to be flexible as you build your business. This requires making changes and not doing the things that have not worked for you. Start with a 30 Day Plan of Action You can't build your business guessing what it really takes. Action is the key and you must know specifically the action ratios in your business. Use the first 30 days as a time to carefully track your progress. Tracking your progress in the first 30 days is critical. People progress differently. What it takes you to recruit a new down line will be different from what it will take your down line. Tracking your progress will give you the ratios needed to properly forecast and plan your business growth. Tracking your progress through the first 30 days will help you identify and understand the present. Plus, tracking will arm you with the much needed information to help you plan your future based on real growth numbers. Tracking allows you to ensure you are doing the right things and that you truly are taking action. Jump Start Your Business with a 90 Day Plan of Action Now that you have completed your "30 Day Plan of Action", you should be ready to jump start your network marketing business. Jump starting your business can be challenging. If you are a wimpy marketer or afraid to take real action (one who hopes to land the heavy hitter to build the business for them), you might as well stop and not waste any more of your time. To truly jump start your business, you will need to take consistent action with a 90 day plan. This plan of action details step by step the necessary actions needed to flood your prospecting funnel with interested prospects and get you on a fast track toward success. Building a network marketing business is like building a house. You must first put in a solid foundation before you put up the walls and add a roof. The 90 day plan is where you build the foundation to your business. You use the 30 day plan to determine what it will take to lay each block of the foundation. Building on a firm foundation will allow you to build your business with precision and almost to a science. Don't be fooled by the "get rich quick" or "build your business effortlessly" type mentality. Be willing to do what it really takes and always work from a plan. Equally important, always track your progress and adjust your plan accordingly. Getting started with your 90 day plan of action should include a written commitment to your plan. Make a written commitment to do what you say you will do. Only what you can confidently commit to in writing can you confidently achieve. Set Long Term Goals We all have long term goals. Put your long term goals in writing and keep these goals in front of you. Keep in mind that having your goals in writing will not magically build your business... you must take action to build your business. However, having your goals in writing and as part of your long term plan will allow you to have a purpose for what you are doing. Because forecasting is difficult, especially in long term planning, it is best to work consistently from a 90 day plan of action. Having long range goals based on 90 days at a time will allow you to be flexible and to make changes without spending unending hours on a large plan. 90 days is sufficient time to effectively handle. By the time you are 60 days through the plan, you should begin developing the next 90 day plan. This approach to planning and forecasting will ensure you are working in the present. You Are Not In Business Alone Keep in mind that your sponsor has a vested interest in your success. It is important to get in contact with your sponsor and express your intentions in building the business. Share your goals with them. Stay in contact with them for coaching and assistance. This will be critical to help you stay on track. Sometimes, things will not go according to your plan. That is ok. We all face challenges and failures on the journey of building our business. You can always draw the line and make a new start in your business. Use the failures and challenges as a learning experience and as a stepping stone toward your success. |
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