There is not the slightest doubt that Reciprocal Links have a major role to play in increasing your link popularity, securing a high page rank and bringing in traffic. Though Search Engines consider one way links superior to reciprocal links, the fact remains that we do need them. The biggest problem faced by new webmasters is that their request for reciprocal link exchange is often turned down by webmasters with high page rank websites because the new site often is PR0.
This often causes disillusionment and disappointment in the ranks of new webmasters who had spent many hours researching the internet and identifying the related high PR websites.
By following these steps systematically you will soon be on your way to achieving your objective and be happy enjoying your work.
Step 1. Complete Construction of Website:
First and foremost your website should be complete. Your website should have excellent content and be related to the theme of your website. The site should be optimized for your chosen keyword or keywords. Remember content is king. Search Engines love them, so too will your website visitors.
Step 2. Submit to Search Engines:
Submit your website to Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista and to all the leading Search Engines. Do not submit "under construction" websites as they will never be indexed and could further delay future indexing.
Step 3. Submit to Directories:
Submit your website to Directories such as Open Directory, Yahoo, JoeAnt and to other leading directories. There are three types of directories. (a) Those that accept free listing without reciprocal linking. (b) Those that accept free listing but require reciprocal linking. (c) Those that have only paid listing. Some do have a combination of all these. Since submitting to the paid directories could be too costly to the newbie, the best option would be to start submitting to the free submission directories that have a high PR. This will make your site visible in the internet world, increase its overall importance and bring you several one way links and reciprocal links.
Step 4. Writing and submitting Articles to Article Directories:
While you are in the process of submitting your site to the directories you should commence writing articles on the theme of your website or related themes and submit them to article banks, article directories, and article distributors and to related high PR websites that accept articles. Your articles should be of good quality, helpful to the audience and display to the internet world your knowledge and expertise. If you don't have the ability to write articles the other option is to obtain the services of a ghost writer to write a few articles for you.
The purpose of writing these articles is to obtain one way links and also traffic to your website. Hence it is important that you have a resource box at the end of your articles with your website link embedded in them. Article writing is one of the best ways of obtaining one way links and you are bound to get dozens in quick time. The more number of relevant one way links you obtain, the greater will be your chances of improving your link popularity and climbing up the Page Rank ladder.
If in the meantime you get requests for Reciprocal Link exchange from good relevant sites you may accept them.
Step 5. Posting at Forums and Writing Testimonials:
Post your expert comments and advice at related discussion forums with your signature file and URL
Write testimonials about the products that you have used and request the webmaster or vendor publishing your testimonials to display your site URL when he publishes the testimonials. These can all bring you one way links to boost up your link popularity.
Step 6. Request for Reciprocal Links:
The above systematic approach will propel your website to PR2, PR3 or even PR4. You are now beginning to be recognized by the search engines, and also by other webmasters who have read your articles and forum posts.
The time is now ripe for you to request for reciprocal links seriously not only from sites of equal page rank but also from PR5 a PR6 websites as well.
Your reciprocal link exchange requests are now not going to fall on deaf ears and will receive serious consideration because: (a) You have a reasonable page rank. (b)You are beginning to be recognized as an expert in your field. (c) Your website is being identified as one that has good content and potential of achieving higher page rank.
Wise and experienced webmasters can identify such websites and will find it hard to reject your reciprocal link exchange request. In fact you will find quite a few webmasters who would like to be associated with you by either publishing your articles or accepting your reciprocal link request.
The rejection, the consequent pain of mind and disappointment unfortunately kills the enthusiasm of some of the newbies. Though it might appear difficult initially but writing articles and posting in forums are much easier than obtaining a reciprocal link from high Page Rank webmasters.
By following the above method systematically, Link Exchange becomes a more enjoyable and rewarding experience. bringing in its wake heaps of Reciprocal Links, One way links, high Page Rank, increased Link Popularity and Targeted Traffic. What more do you want?