The No. 1 Mindset To Avoid... If You Want a Successful Career

By: Anna Johnson

If you're like me, you're serious about career development. Now this doesn't necessarily mean enrolling in graduate school and handing over thousands of dollars to earn a new qualification. But you'll probably agree that some sort of investment is required to learn, evolve and advance in your career.

Well, whether or not you believe taking a course or going to college or grad school is worth it, what is beyond doubt is the need for continuous informal learning. Reading books, magazines, journals and articles... attending seminars, workshops and conferences... consulting with experts... joining professional associations... These are all activities that may or may not require much investment in terms of time, money and effort... yet are crucial to your ongoing career development.

On the other hand, if you don't value your career development, you'll close your mind to ongoing opportunities to learn because you "already know all that." But the fact is, true professionals readily admit that they don't know it all and that they are always looking for opportunities to learn.

Who would you rather be? Someone who closes their mind to new insights and deeper understandings... and therefore hinders their career development... or someone who strives to learn and grow and gets those promotions, new jobs, and all the rewards that go along with those achievements? Really, embracing and investing in ongoing learning is the only option. After all, learning is the only way to grow as a person (not just as a professional).

As an example, take the case of hairdresser who has spent 15 years cutting and styling people's hair. You might think that by the 15-year mark this hairdresser would know what there is to know about hairdressing. But new fashions and trends indicate the very opposite: there are new techniques, styles, products and hairstyling tools being invented - and to be learned - all the time.

Consequently, if you were a hairdresser and took your career development seriously, you would constantly be reading the latest hairdressing trade magazines, attending hairdressing conferences and shows, and attempting new techniques, styles, products and tools.

In fact, my hairdresser is an example of this. She continues to learn and develop her skills and, as a result, is able to charge much, much more than what the average hairdresser can charge... the hairdresser who "knows it all" yet wonders why they are working in a suburban salon, earning minimal wages, and can't get ahead.

Therefore, try to catch yourself whenever you start thinking that you know everything there is to know. Chances are, there is always something more to learn. And if you take this view, and embrace new ideas, perspectives and understandings, you will be able to evolve and grow too - not just as a professional, but as a person too.

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