List Building SSS Technique: Sharply Segmented Sublist

By: masterlistbuilder
If you have managed to build a huge list and finally elicited the much-needed site traffic in your internet marketing business, that’s great. But beyond that, you must do something with that big list of yours to make it more efficient. This is what I call the sharply segmented sublist.

This method has made many a successful internet marketer rise from mediocre selling to high class and high end earning online- without having to work up a sweat to do it.

What is Sublisting?

Simply put, sublisting is getting a handful or a segment of your large list from your target market. It is one of the best techniques internet moguls use to be able to sift out quality from mere quantity.

Of course, you cannot expect all of those who are subscribed in your list to bring you the consistency and big bucks that you are trying to acquire, but when you sublist, you separate those who you view to have the highest potential in doing so. That does not mean that you are to abandon the rest of the people in your list though. You keep sending them the usuals, but you give special care and attention to your sublist.

Sharp Sublist Brings You Bucks

Being sharp in your sublisting entails that you must have a keen eye and you must know your clients well. You may ask for help in doing this by consulting with other fellow internet marketers or whoever your mentor is in this business.

If you do not have a mentor, I strongly suggest you to get one so that you will not be misguided in this business which can get tricky and confusing sometimes. Your sharp sublist will also enable you to nail more and better compensating gigs for so much less effort.

Segmented Sublist Provides You Ease in Maintaining Your Sublist

The wonderful thing with the triple S system is that it is fairly easy to maintain. Compare training and following up on a sea of people who may or may not deliver what you expect from your labors as opposed to selecting those who are surely to render quality and give you less headaches.

Testing is much easier on your best clients than your general list.

This is another sure advantage when you employ the triple S method in your business. If you are to test something, it is so much easier if you test it in your best clients first and check for results instead of mass-testing or launching it to your general list. Your general list may or may not provide you with viable feedbacks, but your very best clients won’t provide you with something you cannot use.

Make use of the triple S or sharply segmented sublisting method in your list. And do them as often as you can manage, as many as you possibly can. You can create different categories for your general list, and maximize your profits.

If you are well able to develop your business in light of your sharply segmented sublists, you will find yourself getting better, earning more while working less. You might not believe it now, but it is actually possible.

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