There is no reason to put up with the exorbitant interest rates and fees you are currently being charged for financing your car loan. Car Dealerships and some bad credit car loan lenders take advantage of people's need and set extremely high interest rates and abusive hidden fees in the small print of their loan contracts. Those who rush in, forced by their need for finance and sign, become these firms' victims.
Car Loan Refinance
There are however, ways of getting rid of this heavy burden, even if you still have a bad credit score or history. One of these ways, probably the best one, is to refinance your Car Loan. By refinancing you will get approved for a loan that you will use to pay off the outstanding loan sooner. And since the new loan will come with a more reasonable interest rate and fees, you will save thousands of dollars just by pursuing this simple financial transaction.
The most common reason why people need to refinance is their inability to repay the loan because they can not meet the extremely high monthly payments. One may wonder why they accepted those loan terms. The answer is simple: Car dealers' and vendors' dishonest behavior tend to convince buyers to sign contracts they cannot commit to. They hide fees and lie about the true interest rate that will be charged for the loan. This added to the desperate situation most people with bad credit go through, ends up with the signing of a loan contract that becomes unbearable.
Loan Repayment Programs Tailored To Your Needs
To make things simple you need to tell your refinance loan lender exactly how much money you are able and willing to destine to your car loan monthly payments. As long as you keep this amount at a reasonable level, you will not have problems repaying your loan. A reasonable level is an amount between 20% and 40% of the remaining of your income after you have deducted all of your expenses. In other words, you should only commit to monthly installments up to 40% of your money saving power.
The lender will schedule your monthly payments with this information and according to this; he will determine the loan length, interest rate and amount of the monthly installments.
Reduced Interest Rate
When refinancing your car loan, you will be able to reduce your monthly payments by extending the length of the loan or simply because the interest rate you will pay will drop. The interest rate will be reduced even if you have a bad credit score. Since there are a lot more car loan lenders available and market conditions have improved, the competition has reduced the interest rates for car loans significantly. If you take the time to compare different offers you may get an interest rate 3 or 4 points lower than the one you are currently paying.
The secret for getting a good deal is not to accept the first offer you are presented. You can request loan quotes from many lenders and after comparing them you can even contact the lenders again and ask them if they can improve their offer showing them the best offer you received from another lender. They will probably drop the interest rate a bit more and then you can close on a great deal. Do not be afraid to fight it, they will be making money with the loan anyway so they might as well struggle a bit to get you.