When you are thinking of buying a car through a loan, your foremost concern should be the cost of borrowing the finance. The cost must remain low, so that your monthly outgoings are reduced. Low interest car loans are designed for the specific purpose of providing the finance at low rate and at fewer additional charges. But, these loans require you to fulfill certain conditions.
To avail these loans, your credit rating should be at acceptable level of 600, or above on FICO-scale. Such a rating is possible only when there are no or fewer blemishes like late payments, defaults or arrears in your credit report. If the rating is lower, then make efforts to improve it before applying for the loan. Pay off some debts to repair the rating.
To ensure the car loan at low rate, borrow the money against your home or any of your property. This way, you can reduce the risks for the lenders. You can borrow greater amount of loan, depending on value of the property. If you are a tenant or non-homeowner, then you can opt for the unsecured loan. However, interest rate will be kept lower only for borrowers, who have a good credit history.
Another way to avail low interest car loans is to make high amount of down payment to the lender. The down payment makes the loan safer for the lenders. Therefore, even bad credit history people can borrow the finance at cheap rate. You should save money for the down payments before applying for these loans.
Take advantage of growing competition in the loan business. Comparing number of offers of low interest car loans can give you access to a select list of the lenders who are providing the finance at desired rates and fewer additional charges.