Denied Merchant Account Applications

By: Bailey Thompson

An offshore merchant account ends the days of sulking in misery over denied merchant account applications.

Getting turned down in every application is always kinda hard to take in, especially if you worked really hard for that endeavor. As just in the case of high risk businesses, such as adult, dating service, escort, escort service, telemarketing, travel, high volume, and multilevel marketing, reading the mark , "denied" on the merchant account application is totally unfortunate.

Let's incorporate the KÃ?bler-Ross model of the five stages of grief to the agony merchants face when their applications are rejected:

Denial - It can't be happening

After all you've been through, making sure that the all the requirements were submitted, together with the original and photocopies, coming in wearing your best suit and even a new haircut, just to impress the financial officer, waiting for like six weeks to get a mere yes or no, you get a denied application. You ask, "this can't be, I did everything right?".

Yes you did, it was just not in the right place.

Anger - Why ME? It's not fair?!

At this stage, you ask yourself, why you were singled out? At this stage, you pin the blame on someone, even on God, business partner, the bank, the bank officer, and yourself. It'll be relieving to know if you can know the reasons:

  • documentary deficiencies
  • grave complaint record filed to the Better Business Bureau (BBB)
  • ripoff record
  • misrepresenting certain, if not, all information about yourself and your business

    Bargaining - Just let me try it out even for a month or so..

    This is a natural emotion, after a rejection, you tend to fight more even though you're hurting inside. You offer your business or your house or any other property s collateral, all in exchange of another chance.

    In most cases, you can't offer any collateral or insurances if you have been denied. This only happens when it's a done deal.

    Depression - I'm so sad, why bother with anything?

    At this point, after exhausting all efforts to reconcile, you tend to love solitude and avoid seeing or talking to other people. Even to the point that you have lost the will to run your business.

    Your business is one of the good things you have, why fail in it as well.

    Acceptance - It's going to be OK.

    This is the moment where you will have an epiphany that rejections are but a part of life. You have entertained all the feelings that you should, all are natural to experience. You have come to terms that being turned down is not the end, it's only the beginning.

    Blessing in disguise

    You have overcome the stages of grief. Time to heal those wounds. Be courageous to go outside the state line, so to speak, have your business stamped with an offshore merchant account.

    Applying for an offshore merchant account for your business is easier and faster. They are especially accommodating to business with a high risk nature. But, remember that even if they are less strict, you have to be secure in your application. Make sure that all the requirements are intact, settle any disputes with your costumers and other affiliates. Start clean and fresh with your offshore merchant account.

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