Merchant Account Fees you Can Avoid

By: Steve Depraida

While shopping for an online merchant account it can be pretty hard for laymen to understand the countless costs, rates, fees, and other expenses charged by most merchant service providers. Most of these charges are absolutely legitimate but there are a few that are unnecessary and should be avoided. This includes charges like Gateway Fee, Swipe Terminal Hardware Fee, Programming Fee, Batch Fee/Daily Close-out Fee, Annual Fee, Reserve Fund, Termination/Cancellation Fees, Foreign Card surcharges. Let's understand what these charges are and how they needlessly add to your expenses.

&bullGateway Fee: you may be charged $10-$30 by your merchant account processor for processing credit cards in real time.

&bullWipe Terminal Hardware Fee - This basically includes the cost of terminal hardware used in retail transactions. They can expensive and can cost up to $300. If your requirements are simple avoid going the high tech terminal machines.

&bullProgramming Fee - Some service providers charge up to $100 from businessmen who keep changing service providers. You should never agree to pay programming fees.

&bullBatch Fee/Daily Close-out Fee - Some companies charge a small daily fee of 10 to 20 cents for batching your transactions. This can easily be avoided by shopping for another provider.

&bullChargeback Fee - Some merchant service providers charge an obscenely high amount each time a charge is refused by a customer. It may pay off to look for a lower chargeback fee.

&bullAnnual Fee - Annual services have absolutely no justification and are an out an out excuse for minting money by service providers. The annual fees charged by service providers may be as much as $100 per year year.

These are a number of other charges used by service providers to increase their bottom lines and decrease yours. By logging onto Advanced Merchant Services and applying for a merchant account you can easily avoid all these charges. Let's take the example of termination/cancellation fees. AMS won't make you sign expensive contracts that will bind you to the company. Advanced Merchant Accounts, has complete confidence in the quality of its services and doesn't need a punitive contract to keep its customers. Moreover Advanced Merchant Services also gives a free credit card terminal to all people applying for a merchant account. This gives you the option not paying hundreds of dollars for a hardware terminal. There are several other charges that you can avoid with AMS. So log on to and discover the benefits of our service.


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