Cellular phones are big business in the United States and abroad. More than 30,000 people sign up for and start using a cellular phone every day. It's nothing short of amazing how this industry has exploded in such a short period of time. Consumers can't seem to live without their cell phones and the cool accessory gadgets that go with them. As a result wireless communications companies and retailers are raking in the dough as consumers gobble up these sophisticated devices.
Cellular phones are nothing more than sophisticated radios.
A cell phone is what you call a duplex device which uses one frequency for talking and another frequency for listening. Advanced technology has made it so that with a cellular phone you can talk to nearly anyone on the face of the earth from just about anywhere. This was unheard of not so long ago.
I'm sure the next wave of highly advanced cellular phone models have already made their way through the board room and are being packaged and ready to ship as I write this article.
?copyright2004 Levetta Rivera, The Cellular Phone Explosion. All rights reserved.