Using specialized article marketing techniques specifically designed to generate income, my life has changed completely. Before I started marketing articles, the traffic to my sites was growing VERY slowly, and so was my income. One month I made $3.67 from my ads, the next month I made $5.21. Hardly enough to live on!
Most people writing articles concentrate on the increased traffic an article can produce. In the course of developing my strategy, I researched hundreds, maybe thousands, of articles on the subject. Many people provided great information on the subject, but failed to provide a link to their site. Some of the author resource boxes displayed nice looking photos, but no link. When links were included, many of them pointed to their home page. It was obvious to me that these authors were either mistaken in their strategy, or trying to build traffic to their site.
When I began marketing articles, I focused on the income they could generate instead of the additional traffic they created. All of the articles I write are targeted to correspond to a product or service I’m promoting. This strategy has worked extremely well for me. In my first month using this method, I wrote seven articles and made $167. This represented a huge increase over prior months. Now, after applying this strategy for a little over six months, I make several thousand per month and it’s growing very nicely.
The reason for this is simple. I believe that people who read my articles are more likely to buy from me. If readers like my style of writing, the information I provide, and the design of my article, they will click my links. If they do not like the article, they will most likely leave the article before finishing it. For that reason, only those interested in my work will click my link.
In addition, all of my articles are targeted to compliment the product I’m promoting. So, if they liked the article, there is a good chance that they will be interested in my promotion.
I close all of my articles with an offer for more information. I prefer to use a free information offer, as many more people will click through for a free report. If instead, you ask readers to: ‘Visit our site for more information,’ only about one third as many readers will click through. For that reason, I prefer the following: For more information on the subject, download our FREE REPORT at