Scrapbooking is a fun hobby, and something that many of us have found to be fulfilling as well. With the opportunity to offer our blessings in the way of cards and to create gifts for loved ones, it's no wonder why scrapbooking has become one of the World's most popular activities.
Found all over many magazines and websites on the internet, scrapbooking is limitless in regard to styles, themes and the different kinds of projects you can create. One popular aspect of scrapbooking is using alphabets! Inn fact, alphabet scrapbooking offers a multitude of different possibilities. Different Themes The first thought comes to mind is preschool projects, because alphabets are almost always used in preschool themes. And while this them is a very viable one, there are many other themes to choose from when alphabet scrapbooking. You can use alphabets in birthday projects, but don't think kindergarten ages. Think about creating an alphabet scrapbooking project for your husband or wife. You can create a page for each letter, and come up with a theme for each page. For example, can stand for adorable and the page will highlight pictures, cartoons and text highlighting why you think your honey is so adorable to you. Perhaps because their cheeks get rosy when they are embarrassed? Another great scrapbooking alphabet project is to create a family memory book. The book doesn't have to come off as cheesy or too young. You can create custom alphabets that fit with your theme, highlighting all of the family memories that are special to you and your loved ones. Different Styles There are just as many styles to choose from as there are letters in the alphabet. For this reason, think of all the different occasions you can create a scrapbooking alphabet project! Western alphabets can serve as a project for a young boy, or a cowboy movie lover. This style also offers you the opportunity to provide a different outlook on things like public notices and even garage sale signs. You can also find Hawaii and other tropical island themes printed on alphabet scrapbooking pieces. These are great for honeymoon memory books and fantasy scrapbooking projects. Holiday alphabets are available, along with seasonal and land themed project pieces. Keep in mind that you can mix and match different themes and styles to create your own personalized projects that are sure to enlighten anyone who experiences them. |
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