Watches That Have Special Features

By: Victor Epand

With today's ever-growing technology watches are not just for telling time anymore. Of those watches that do just tell time, many of them can tell you the time in more than one time zone.

What else can a watch do? There are many watches that do things besides tell time. Multifunction seems to be a key word when it comes to many products these days. When people hear that word it means convenience. To some the word multifunction also means they are going to get a "good deal" or a "two for the price of one" deal. People like to feel that they are saving money (even if sometimes they are not).

The average person has more than one watch. Some people have more than one watch just for the purpose of having a different style for different occasions. They usually have a dressy type watch for special occasions and a sporty type less expensive watch for everyday. Then there are others, who according to their lifestyle or career may need a second watch with special features for a more specific or practical purpose. Below is a list and brief description of some special features that can be found in watches today.


Alarm watches may be just a bit more convenient than alarm clocks on your nightstand. For busy people this feature is also good for reminders throughout the day.

Date and time

Having a watch that displays the date as well as the time is always a feature that can come in handy for anyone at some point.

Digital and analog display

This is more or less a luxury feature, but it can also be convenient when you need to quickly see the exact time.

Chronograph watches

This is a type of sports watch that is mainly convenient for athletes, but non-athletes will also find an occasional use for this type of watch.

Different time zones

Watches that show different time zones can be essential for the busy executive who has to travel a lot.

Talking watches

These watches are good of course for people with poor, little or no sight or some may just want to have one just for fun.

USB Watches

Without getting into much detail, let's just say that these high tech watches can store personal data that can be accessed with a password.

With so many choices in style and features, most people will have more than one watch. The need for convenience and the desire for "instant info" is constantly growing. It is also very clear that technology is constantly growing and changing. So who knows what watches might be able to do in the future.


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