Do You Have An Incredible Kid?

By: Lynn Powers

What parent doesn’t think his or her children are absolutely incredible? I know I do! The Bible tells us in Psalm 37:26 that children are a blessing. And now there is a day to celebrate our kids!

The third Thursday in March is set aside for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day. Campfire USA created this special day to show kids that they are loved and cared for. If you’re a parent, they encourage you to write a letter to your kids today. If you don’t have children of your own, any incredible kid will do!

So a letter is a great idea. But what are some other things you can do to show your child that he or she is exceptionally special?

• Tell him! Don’t like to write? Then just say it! To a child, nothing can quite compare to hearing Mom or Dad say he’s wonderful. Watch your kid’s face light up and heart swell when you brag on him and tell him what an awesome kid he is.

• Advertise. Call your local newspaper and run a classified ad, “just because." Tell thousands of readers just why your child is the most incredible kid in the world. Be sure to cut out the ad, laminate and enlarge it. Wrap it up along with a copy of that day’s paper. Place it on her mirror or frame it and place it in front of her plate at dinner.

• Send an E-Card. If your child spends a lot of time on the computer and has his own e-mail address, send him one or more e-cards, telling him how much he means to you. There are plenty of sites offering free e-cards, including and which offer several cards to choose from. You’re sure to find one with the message you want to deliver.

• Turn on the Radio. Does she have a favorite radio station? How about calling to request a dedication of a particular song she loves? Or choose a song yourself that speaks of a parent’s love for their child (Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle, Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman and You are the Sunshine of my Life by Stevie Wonder are just a few that come to mind.) Just be sure you’ll be in a place where you can turn the radio on so she’ll hear your dedication.

• Do his chores. If it’s your son’s job to set the table or take out the trash on Thursdays, do it for him. The fact that not only does he get a day off from his chores but that you’re doing the work for him speaks volumes of love and appreciation to your child.

• What’s for Dinner? Whether hot dogs, pizza, macaroni and cheese or a trip to McDonalds, let your kid choose what to eat for dinner. Throw in a yummy ice cream sundae for dessert. They’ll not only have incredibly full tummies, but also incredibly full hearts.

• Open the Bible. Refer to various Bible stories that tell about God using kids to accomplish His purpose. (David, Samuel, the boy with the five loaves of bread and two fish…). Remind your child that God wonderfully and beautifully created her and that He has an incredible plan for her life.

Of course, kids should be told they are special every day – not just one day of the year. However, use this day to begin the habit of demonstrating just how important your child is. To you, to the world, and to God.

If only every child could fully grasp just how magnificent they truly are.

Now that would be incredible!

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