There are a lot of people trying to get a cash back credit card - but are they for real? The lure of getting cash back has a lasting appeal, especially in days when people are feeling a financial pinch. But are they really worth what they promise? Here are some ways you can make sure that you get a real deal when you apply for yours, plus some tips on things to watch out for.
Know How To Use Them
Credit cards are of the most value to those who know how to use them. This means that you can get the most benefit from a card simply by not leaving a monthly balance on the card, and by making payments on time. So if you can follow those two simple rules, then you can qualify to get the best benefits from a cash back credit card.
Choose A Type Of Card
Every one has a certain type of credit card that they can profit from the most. For instance, a gas card will profit those the most that drive a lot of miles each month, and need to maintain a car, or spend time in a hotel. This is because the points that are given for your purchases can be used toward hotels, and you may get the most cash back for your purchases of gas. Some gas cards will even give you points for car maintenance expenses, and possibly the points may even be applied toward buying another car. A card that is selected for your greatest monthly expenses will give you the most benefits.
Also, see how much of a percentage of cash back is given toward your more ordinary purchases - like food, medicine, and gas (if it is not a gas card). This can go anywhere from 1% up to 6 % for some products. Obviously, you want the highest percentage you can get.
Get One With Balance Transfers
This feature is especially important if you have balances on other credit cards. You can transfer them to your new cash back credit card and enjoy a 0% APR balance for up to 15 months. This gives you great savings in interest and can help you to reduce those other credit card debts, if you will pay the same amount on the new credit card.
Don't Lose Your Rebates To Fees And Interest
This is one way that many people lose their benefits. Not comparing the various features listed in this article, and following its advice will often reduce their benefits reduced to a big fat zero - or less. Although they will get some rebate checks, they need to add up their late fees and interest for each month in order to determine if it really is good deal.
Choose a cash back credit card with a low rate of interest, no annual fees, or a lot of other fees. In addition, remember that by using it right, you also are building up a credit score - one that will allow you to buy the big purchases - especially if you don't have all your credit cards maxed out.