Most people think that when they have chosen a path that's it - that's the path to follow. This is far from the truth according to leading Business Coach… Brad Tonini who has just released his latest book "Make It Happen Now!"
I asked Brad to share his thoughts on why we don't get started to "Making Things Happen". Here's what he had to say:
"Procrastination is paralyzing to peak performance, it comes out of 5 key reasons:-
The task is just plain overwhelming
You may have a fear of failure or fear of success
You seek perfection and so never get started
You fear a lack of control
You haven't associated sufficient pleasure or pain to the task to get you moving.
It is amazing how we talk ourselves out of things, we create self-doubt in our mind and we then translate this to negative self - talk.
The more often we make decisions and get started on a new path or one that we have desired, we begin to feel empowered, excited or enthused about making the goal come to fruition.
Get Started Right Now
To get started right now on the path to your ultimate goal, beat procrastination and hours of indecision by:-
Getting leverage on yourself - tell enough people what your goal is
Understand your standard excuses and don't listen to them.
Break the goal into bite size chunks and reward yourself on the journey
Take a fork in the road and simply get started."
The Final Word
So what's stopping you from taking action? Forget the "I'm too busy" excuse. Take action today.
Brad Tonini's new book Make It Happen Now is available at all Angus and Robertson stores nationally or alternately you can order on (03) 95809994. Mention you are a subscriber of mine and you will receive the special rate of $19.95AUD plus $4.00AUD postage and handling .You can also find more information on Brad's products at
Have a great week!
Lorraine Pirihi