Two Weeks With No Television!

By: Jim Williams

The few weeks ago, I powered my TV on and it wouldn't turn on. The red LED in front just kept flashing until it went out and the "Lamp" light turned on. Oh great, my spouse had just left on a militaristic deployment and now I am without TV.

I instantly logged onto my computer to write my hubby, who just insisted we buy a LCD HDTV three years ago. I told him that his "impressive" TV is down and now I have no hubby and no TV either.

You have to love recent technology because the next thing I know, he wrote back and told me he bought the extended warranty on the Sony HDTV. The extended warranty only lasts 4 years so I knew we were pushing it.

I also knew the paperwork was buried somewhere with all the rest of the essential documents we had. After fumbling through documents for an hour, I eventually recovered it in an unopened box from our move. I opened it up and found the date of purchase, exactly 3 months shy of four years.

YES! So I rang Sony and let them know the HDTV model I have and my purchase code. They arranged a near-by electronics place to come to my residence, make positive it was the lamp and then replace it.

They even gave me an appointment day and time. I waited around all day for the serviceman to come to my residence the day of the appointment but he never showed up.

Do you know how annoying it is to go from a 52" HDTV to no high definition 19" television? It's quite dissatisfying. I called the electronics company and ask them what happened. They gave me another repair date and apologized, which was fine, everyone makes mistakes.

Still, the next appointment never happened either. Then I called again and they said that they just went ahead and ordered the lamp. They said the lamp would arrive in two days. Three days after, there was still no lamp.

It wasn't until almost 2 weeks after that they finally got to my residence with the lamp. The two techs simply took off the front panel to the TV, unscrewed the lamp framing, and replaced it. It took roughly ten minutes.

I could have certainly ordered the lamp myself and repaired it more than a week ago. I will definitely recall that for the next time my loved high definition TV's bulb burns out.


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