Why learn a language? Well it is easier to deal with the local people if you speak even a little of their language. Don't assume everyone, everywhere you go will speak English. Numbers, greetings, directions and simple questions are not that difficult to learn and are very useful. Locals will appreciate your efforts and in fact, you may notice they will go out of their way to help you knowing that you are trying hard to communicate. It is also good travel etiquette to know a few key phrases.
When planning your next overseas trip give some thought to learning some of the local lingo. Its simple to get started and can be relatively inexpensive or even free. Consider starting at your local library, or search the internet, there are sites offering free introductions to language that may be all you need to get started. Local papers may offer private tuition.
A relatively new and increasingly popular learning technique is learning with your iPod. Your language of choice is simply downloaded onto your iPod so you can learn any place any time. Why not make use of your time traveling to and from work?
Begin with greetings and phrases such as how are you? my name is, can you help me? Some common destination phrases, such as post office and pharmacy, café, restaurant, train station and taxi. Your favorite food and drink phrases, knowing how to order your coffee correctly is essential. Practice on your family, your workmates, and your pets.
If you consider what you will be doing while you are on holiday and the things you may need to ask for, why not start with those? Shopping? At least please and thank you. Touring? Phrases for maps, guides and accommodation would be useful. Learning a foreign language just takes a little practice, and the more you use your new skills the better you will become.
If you are really keen on learning the language there are numbers of companies which now offer language holidays! You book your place and included in the cost is accommodation and immersion in the local language and the local culture. Live and breathe the language on these tours. For those keen on getting involved in the culture of a country you can't go past this type of holiday. The longer you can spend the better your language will become. Making great lasting friendships with your hosts is all a part of the holiday.
Anywhere you go it will benefit you to learn the local language. Learning the language of your destination will really make an amazing difference to how you interact and how the locals will interact with you. You will feel self confident and be more willing to talk with the locals.
Once you have a grasp the local language you will be surprised at where and when it may become useful. Helping other tourists who are struggling to order lunch at a bar to helping a tourist in your own country, you will always have a number of great reasons to learn another language, so why not start today.