Starting with profit, we will take each reason separately. Because of high taxation, Australia will be used as an example to illustrate the point. Australian workers pay taxes on their wages and pay a goods and services tax of 10% on things they buy. What money remains is deposited into a bank account and is charged bank account debt taxes and financial institution duty. The small amount of interest that might be earned also gets taxed. You are not alone if you think this is excessive. The banking taxes can be eliminated by opening and offshore bank account. It isn`t, and probably never will be, illegal to have an offshore bank account. It is legal to move your money anywhere in the world you want and how you want. There are also no restrictions at all on the amount you choose to move. Using the Australian example again, though there are no restrictions on moving money offshore, it is required to report any amount of $10,000 or more to the proper government authorities. On Australian tax return forms, there will be the question of whether you have $50,000 or upwards in offshore investments. As this limitation pertains to individuals, you can put money in accounts under the names of your spouse and/or children as well as your own. Simply because it is profitable is the first reason you could consider offshore banking. Privacy is he second main reason for offshore banking. The lack of privacy is something that many people are not even aware of, so it seems a completely foreign concept to them. The details of your private banking have no protection in most westernized countries. Here are some simple steps to discover the banking systems` fundamental flaw, which doesn`t have heavy penalties for banking secrecy. Getting someone`s bank account details is the first step. This is a lot easier than you think. All it takes is for someone to pay you with a cheque and you have ready access to their bank account information. The second step is to take these account details to a branch of that bank other than the one the account is actually held in. For the last step, fill out a deposit for $10.00, submit it to the teller and then ask for `your` balance. Invading someone`s privacy, even your own, really is that easy. So that your money and identity are protected, offshore banks have privacy and secrecy tenets to help accomplish this. Now for the last of the 3Ps in banking offshore – protection. Protection of your assets is the third reason that investing offshore is a banking solution that is very popular. It is nearly impossible to get the account balance of a bank account in an offshore jurisdiction, unlike the ease with which it can be done for a bank account such as the example used above. Jail terms and heavy fines can be imposed for disclosing any information regarding bank accounts in most jurisdictions with offshore banks. A word of caution, though: Even though it is common to conduct onshore banking this way, if you intend to do your offshore banking on the Internet, you should be aware that your hard drive will store all of your information. As no other account can, banking offshore provides these three assets: profit, privacy, and protection. It is entirely up to you how you use this information. Who Else Wants To Learn The Truth About Offshore Investing? Download Your Free Offshore Investment Report And MP3.
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