Why You Should Buy In A Stock Market Crash

By: Joel Teo
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Certainly if you are sitting with a nice portfolio and suddenly there is market crash you are going to feel the effects.? But it’s a time with much potential which is why you should buy in a stock market crash.? What a great time to add to your portfolio and benefit over the long haul.? The modern day stock market crashes rebounds much quicker than the crash of 1929 which is another reason why you should buy in a stock market crash.?

The crash of 1987 was a result of overvalued stock and a lack of liquidity.? The crash of 2000 was the result of overvalued stock and corporate corruption.? Many investors made themselves into millionaires during both of these crashes which is why you should buy in a stock market crash.

You might be surprised to find out that a stock market crash actually begins years before the actual crash.? Prior to a crash there is a bull market with everything booming but at the end of every bull market is a bear market where things take a turn for the worst.? That’s why you should buy in a stock market crash and then hold until it cycle back to a bull market.

Sometimes the market crashes because of a specific political or economic situation but generally a crash is panic generated by investors with no underlying reason.

Smart investors get the checkbook out and start spending for you will definitely seek some nice financial rewards.? It’s the reason why you should buy in a stock market crash.

During a stock market crash many loose big but there are also many excellent stock buys to be found.? It’s a great time to have some extra cash kicking around even if it just a couple of hundred dollars.? Now you know why you should buy in a stock market crash – the rest is up to you – just be ready for that next crash because it will come.

Now that you know why you should buy in a stock market crash you just need to wait for the crash.

Copyright ? 2007 Joel Teo. All rights reserved. (You may publish this article in its entirety with the following author's information with live links only.)


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