Reward yourself on Pay as You Go

By: John Gray

If you use your mobile phone very rarely or you want to keep track of your finances Pay as you Go deals are ideal.? Pay as you Go is still a growing market and the networks all offer competitive deals to win your custom.

Tesco have recently revamped their Pay as you Go tariffs giving customers one flat rate for all calls made.? Calls to UK mobiles as well as local and national calls will be charged at 20p each and text messages will cost 10p each.? Customers will also receive half price calls and text messages to 5 of their favourite numbers.

An additional bonus is added if you top up by more than ?15 per month.? You can choose to receive either 500 free text messages or 150 free UK calls.? These deals are known as reward or bonus tariffs as you are getting a bonus or reward for topping up your credit each month.? Other networks also use bonus and reward schemes as an incentive for customers to purchase one of their deals.

For example O2 offer 300 free text message if you top up by ?10 per month and Orange offer 300 free text messages or 120 free evening and weekend minutes if you top up by ?10 per month.?

Pay as you Go reward tariffs can stretch your credit and can make your money go further.

Tesco mobile customers will also have the added bonus of? receiving 4 Tesco club card points for every ?1 they top up.?

So if you are a Pay as you Go customer why not look into reward tariffs to make your credit last that little bit longer!


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