Developing a Proper Diet, dieting secrets, slimming, lose weight

By: Joey Brausch

Just about anyone you meet willtell you they worry about their dieting secret. If this is the case, why do so many continually make poor choices? Poor eating habits can lead to obesity, heart and joint problems, arthritis, and general bad health. The best way to become a healthier eater is to do it gradually. Small changes are easier to make and stick to than a dramatic and sudden overhaul. If you try to change everything at once, you are likely to give in as soon as you experience your first craving.

Fruits and vegetables should be the centerpiece of your daily diet. Choose dark colored vegetables, such as leafy greens, for your salad. Select fruits that are high in essential vitamins, such as bananas or oranges. Begin by slowly increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables that you eat on a daily basis, and before you know it, you'll be eating the proper amount of fresh foods.

It's best when choosing grain and bread products to select products made from whole wheat and grains, instead of white bread and other refined flours. White bread contains little or no nutrition value, whereas whole grain breads offer fiber and other vitamins and minerals. Bran cereal is an easy addition to your morning routine -- you'll soon enjoy the taste of whole grains.

Make healthy selections for protein -- fish and poultry and limit the amount of red meat in your diet. Plan to reduce your intake of fat in your diet, animal fats and other fats. Use healthy oils such as virgin olive oil and canola oil when cooking. Bake or poach your fish and poultry to help reduce the amount of fat in your diet. Eliminate or reduce your consumption of fried foods, such as donuts and potato chips. Try healthier choices such as popcorn (with a little or no butter) and rice cakes.

When your sweet tooth kicks in you can substitute those cookies and cakes with other choices, such as dried fruit, low fat cookies, low fat ice cream, or low fat candies. Changing the way you eat is a life long process that you can do with a little bit of patience and determination. Not only will it lead to more health and vitality, but you will also be surprised by how much tastier foods become!

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