A Guide On RJ45 Interfaces

By: Anna Stenning

I first heard of the word RJ45 and thought of a fighter plane! People who are not so tech-savvy, like myself, will not know that this piece of equipment is actually one of the most important piece of equipment one can use for networking and for telecommunication. The rj45 is a popular choice, however it is available in different configurations. Such configurations can include the RJ11 and RJ14, however, these are mainly used in the U.S. The RJ 45 is used also used in UK and is one of the standard physical interfaces used for telecommunication.

The RJ abbreviation in RJ45 stands for registered jack, this looks like a regular phone lead and is commonly used for connecting telephones in or computers for various networking facilities. As thrilling as the RJ45 sounds, it is actually one of the most important equipments around and plenty of people use it without even knowing it. To a layman the RJ connectors look the same - simple plugs that look like something you would connect into a telephone jack.

Different variations of the registered jack make a difference in the way they connect up. So even if you think they all look the same, you are in fact very wrong. The RJ11 has a two-wire connection, whereas the RJ14 has a four-wire configuration and the RJ25 uses a full six-wire configuration. The RJ45 can be connected onto a number of different cables. These are put to use mostly for Ethernet connection, which is a network of a connection between numerous computers and allows them to communicate with each other.

As the RJ45 is a versatile connector, it can fit onto different types of cables of different categories. The first category, category four, refers to how it can be connected using a four-wire connection. This works in a similar sort of way as it would on the category six cable, which connects to a six-wire connection. The category six-wire connection is good for transferring information across, however only four of the wire connection is used for the transfer. Manufacturers make these wires so that when connection speed increases and changes develop in technology, they already have a product that is fully functional and up to speed.

This works well using the opposite method, in that some cables are able to compress the data into the smallest space possible. Without hindering the speed of the speed of the data transfer, which makes it one of the most efficient data transferring cables around.


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