A daring and totally unprecedented case took place in a Shell gas station in Knox County, Ohio. The time was approaching midnight, a sole cashier was working this night shift and he did not expect anything out of the ordinary to take place this night. Suddenly two black young men burst in the store. They quickly surveyed the isles to make sure that there were not any customers who might hinder their criminal plan in any way. When they see no one in the store, they immediately rush to the checkout counter where the clerk is standing. One man pointed a silver semi automatic pistol at him and ordered him to raise his arms up and not to move.
The cashier was expecting the bandits to order him to open up the cash register for them, but it turns out they were shooting for a bigger loot. The second culprit went around the counter and grabbed some cash that was lying on the counter. To the clerk's surprise a third bandit suddenly enters the store. As soon as he came in he began to shake the ATM machine to assess its weight and to make sure that it was movable. Unfortunately, the first two bandits do not let the cashier watch what happens next. They instantly take him at gun point and order him to take them to the back room of the store. As they walked to the back room, the two robbers noticed that there was a walk-in-cooler near the entrance to the back room. They directly stop and open it. Realizing its large size, they quickly hit the clerk on the side of his head knocking him unconscious and they shove him inside locking the door behind him.
Near the entrance to the store the surveillance video shows that a fourth black female culprit joins the third accomplice and assists him in releasing the ATM machine from its locks and moving it to their getaway car standing right outside the store. With struggle, they managed to pick up the ATM and shove it in their small minivan as the surveillance footage of the outside security cameras show. The cashier finally woke up after being unconscious in the cooler for a couple of minutes. Luckily the thieves did not lock the cooler properly and he was able to get out of it with a few rams of his body. He immediately called the police and informed them about the entire incident.
He later discovered that the ATM machine, store's video surveillance equipment, a computer and hard drive, as well as his own personal laptop were missing from the store. The police was able to identify the culprits due to a series of silly mistakes that they committed while carrying out this robbery. To start with, none of the culprits took the effort to cover their faces. This alone would have been enough to get them arrested. Furthermore fingerprints were discovered on the cooler's door. The surveillance footage also showed one bandit touching the door of a snacks refrigerator. Lastly the outdoor security cameras caught the license plate number of their minivan.