One of the coolest cables out there today is called the SCSI cable because there is a funny nickname attached to it. If you ask any computer geek about an SCSI cable they will all call it the same thing. Many people refer to this cable as the "scuzzy" cable because of its initials. I know go ahead and laugh because its such a cute name. It sounds pretty humorous because normally when you use the world scuzzy it means dirty or something but not in this case. What SCSI stand for is small computer systems interface, and this cable is pretty important to your computers well being.
SCSI is really sweet because it is a parallel interface thus it sends entire "byte" of information at one time rather than sending things on "bit" at a time.
An SCSI cable is made for speed, but be careful with the length of SCSI cable you use. Many problems can arise with the length of this particular cable. Most SCSI cables are pretty long, like thirty six feet so just know what you are getting yourself into when purchasing a SCSI cable.
There are two basic types of SCSI cables you should know about. The "single ended" and the "low voltage differential." Everything before Ultra2 and Ultra160 SCSI is "single ended." This basically means that devices have slower speeds, and can perhaps slow down a "low voltage differential" device when connected together. SCSI cables are super useful because they can have up to fifteen different connected devices with certain types of SCSI devices. It sounds a complicated because it is. There are several cables that do different things when it comes to a computer. Do some research before purchasing any cable especially a SCSI cable because there is a lot to know before you use it.