Make Your Clients Return

By: Judy Cullins

Did you know that 95% of coaching businesses fail because their owners don't pay enough attention to sales copy?

Whether you are a professional speaker, coach, or entrepreneur, every business wants more clients. Even more, they want to entice clients to continue an ongoing relationship. Your online sales copy matters. Here's 10 top ways to get new clients and keep your present ones:

1. Make sure your Web site, email, or phone sales messages serve your potential client's needs and desires.

When we don't convey our convincing message of why they should choose us, we lose them. Ask yourself these questions, "What does my Web site say about me? Does its messages take my readers by the collar and convince them to read more?"

Do your words inspire your readers? Will they know what they should know to arrive at an educated decision? Will they be eager to contact you and buy?

2. Check and correct your links on your home page and through out your sales letters.

We lose many potential clients when we don't make it easy for them to order or contact us. If your links don't work, discouraged by your disorganization, your possible clients will leave and try some other service.

One of the biggest mistakes I've made is not checking my links or having my web master check them regularly to see if they are clear and working. Not only did these confuse my wonderful coaching potential clients, it cost me sales.


Create and send a targeted ezine regularly.

If you are a professional counselor, consultant, coach, speaker, seminar leader, author or other business professional, you need to develop and offer one of the most powerful Online marketing tools around--the eNewsletter or ezine. Two best advantages about this choice are that it is totally free, and you can send it directly from your email address. When you send anything that is opt-in (your subscribers agree to receiving it) you serve only those who want and need your information.

4. Give your potential clients information that benefits them.

If you don't give your potential clients and customers something that benefits them, such as tips, articles, resourcesand special offers, you miss attracting new clients. Subscribers want information and they love a bargain. Your ezine will offer all former clients, present ones, and potential ones particular how-tos and other useful free information. In turn, your subscribers will become your loyal supporters. After 5-7 exposures, many of them will buy.

5. Acknowledge your subscribers.

Let them know how much you appreciate them. When they participate in a survey or give you feedback, thank them with a gift, perhaps a free special report or free answer to any one question they may have. Staying in touch with your groups means they see your name often, and when the time is right, will look to you for either your service or product.

Remember, it's not the numbers of subscribers that count; it's the targeted ones who want what you have. Build your list by connecting with your best potential audience. The more targeted your subscribers, the more chance you have of selling your services.

Tap into your creative side, either with a friend, associate, or an Internet Marketing coach who knows this uncharted territory--the language of sales. Part two of this article is available.

6. Create your Web Pages With Important Key Words.

Think about what people will type in when they do a search for your service. Make sure you include those key words and phrases on you home page and every other page. The search engines look for these to place you. The more appropriate key words, the higher you go in the search engines. Key words put me in the top three places for Google and 35 other search engines.

For instance if like me, you offer Internet marketing, these words will work: online marketing, , increase online sales, increase profits, copy writing, sales letter, coach marketing, speaker promotion, links, web site marketing, internet promotion, coach marketing services, increase ezine subscribers, increase targeted web traffic, web site headlines, benefits and features for client, features, internet tips, book coaching, Judy Cullins, San Diego, eBook marketing.

Many Web sites suggest you always include your name, location, and business category. Many clients hired me by looking for a local coach.

Judy Cullins © 2004 All Rights Reserved.

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