Plasma Flat Panel Rentals - Perfect for Trade Shows

By: henery008

Large plasma flat panel displays are perfect for trade shows they present your product or PowerPoint presentation in huge display and draw attention among visitors. Competing displays include the CRT, OLED, AMLCD, DLP, SED - TV, and field emission flat panel displays. Advantages of plasma flat panel display technology are that a large, very thin screen can be produced, and that the image is very bright and has a wide viewing angle.

Plasma displays are bright (1000 lux or higher for the module), have a wide color gamut, and can be produced in fairly large sizes, up to 381 cm (150 inches) diagonally. They have a very low-luminance "dark-room" black level compared to the lighter grey of the unilluminated parts of an LCD screen. The display panel is only about 6 cm (2.5 inches) thick, while the total thickness, including electronics, is less than 10 cm (4 inches).

Plasma displays use as much power per square meter as a CRT or an AMLCD television. The lifetime of the latest generation of plasma displays is estimated at 60,000 hours of actual display time, or 27 years at 6 hours per day. This is the estimated time over which maximum picture brightness degrades to half the original value, not catastrophic failure.

61", 50", 42" inch plasma flat panel display are most popular thing to rent for trade show or exhibition booths. You can also mount these huge plasma flat panel displays into wall or you can place it on desk or tables. It draws attention of every visitor on the floor.

Huge plasma flat panel displays high quality multimedia content including audio, video and images for business events such as conferences and trainings. Now day's plasma screens can play full high definition videos with the best quality display. But plasma flat panel displays are bulkier and requires extra care and treatment during transportation.

Plasma renting is a most suitable and affordable option. If you attending more than one exhibition per month, the costs of transportation and frequent replacement make renting plasma flat panel displays a best option.

Plasma flat panel displays are heavier and thicker then LCD displays. Rentfusion currently offers largest plasma flat panel display for rental (NEC 61 inch plasma flat panel display). Rentfusion inventory offers NEC, Panasonic, Hitachi, Sony, Pioneer plasma displays.

Contact us for plasma flat panel displays anywhere is USA or you can call on Toll free no -1- 866 -736 - 8387 for free consultation.

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