A Brief Outline of LCD Television

By: henery008

Nowadays very one is concerned about the quality, what ever the products is. Even in the market of TV, LCD televisions have taken the place from the traditional CRT televisions. Technologies are so advanced that LCD TV technology has now reached the position where picture quality is exceptionally good as compared to traditional CRT TV. LCD's technology is commonly using in the standard TV sizes, but it is also extended for large screen sizes with PLASMA technology.

As far as the price of LCD TVs is concerned, it continues to fall rapidly. LCD TVs are more portable as compared to huge CRT TVs. It occupied a fraction of the floor space of a traditional CRT television. But people are not stopping of using their large CRT set. In fact, some models of LCD TVs are quite useful that they are possible to mount on a wall or sit them on a shelf; which in turn helps to free up all of your valuable floor space.

LCD TVs comes in different sizes. Typically LCD TVs start at 15". The LCD TVs technology is moving forward all the way. 40" to 45" sets were widely available in October 2004, and Sharp announced the manufacture of a 65" set. Shortly afterwards, Samsung announced an 82" LCD TV, in March 2005. LG Philips announced a 100" set, in August 2006.

The no of television viewer is increasing day by day. At the moment we can clearly see the undergoing huge changes in television viewing experience. Competition in the market is quite challenging since technology continues to go far ahead but prices are falling. So take the advantages, don't forget to check out the prices of different LCD TVs before you decided to purchase an LCD TV.

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