It Is True That Cookies Pose A Serious Security Risk?

By: Andresbergerg68
When you are surfing the World Wide Web you often visit websites just to see what is on them and as you click through the pages, there is a great possibility the website drops a cookie into your system. Most cookies dropped into your computer are benign cookies, but they are Spyware and the purpose is to track your computer habits for thirty days. Most of these cookies have an expiration date and the date is usually thirty days. If, you run an Anti-spyware scanner everyday you can get rid of these cookies because your Anti-spyware scan will normally find them and dump them at the end of the scan. When the program asks you what to do with the cookies, you click the delete all cookies and this removes the cookies.

Sometimes however even a good Anti-spyware program does not find a cookie or another piece of spyware hiding in your computer. This means when you click the delete cookies button these will remain in your computer. What can you to about this? Should you have another Spyware program and run it? Usually, the answer is no. Instead of a second Anti-spyware program, you can use an Adware program and this program can often catch what the Anti-spyware program missed. Not every good Spyware program succeeds in finding every piece of Spyware hiding in your computer because new Spyware is being created every minute of everyday by people who are technically knowledgeable, but not intelligent enough to put their knowledge to good use.

One way to help protect our computer from new or questionable Spyware is one of the programs called a Spyware Catcher. A Spyware catcher program is a program, which works on real- time, meaning it automatically activates whenever you enter the World Wide Web for any purpose. As soon as you go online through your Internet Provider connection, the Spyware catcher goes to work. The job of the Spyware Catcher is to catch, and block Spyware from getting into your system. As identified Spyware or something not identified as Spyware but appears suspicious, comes knocking on your computer door, the Spyware catcher grabs it and puts it in isolation or quarantine or on a black list in the program. If, a piece of Spyware goes on the blocked list all future attempts will fail in attacks on your computer.

Your job in relation to the Spyware catcher program is checking the main console of the program, regularly checking for changes you need to make within the program. The program tells you what to do to continue protecting your computer. One of the real battles with Spyware is our inability to recognize what is and is not vicious or harmful and what is benign Spyware.

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