Wave Solder Pots

By: oliver

wave soldering process is a very essential process for the manufacturers of the printed circuit boards. This process plays a key role in the manufacturing process and for the successful completion of the process. Every single part and operation performed or involved in this process plays a vital role in the quality of the final output of the process. In order to have a successful process of wave soldering we need to have all the process like thermal profiling, reflow profiling to be done very carefully. Similar is the cases with the equipment involved the process all the devices or the parts of the wave soldering machine like wave solder optimizer, wave solder pot, thermal profiler etc should be in there defined places and should be functioning properly.

The role of the wave solder pots is very important in the process of the wave soldering and in determining the final out put and the quality of the final out put of the process. In general the titanium wave solder pots are used in the wave solder machines for the wave soldering process.

Titanium wave solder pot liner stops the iron dissolution and raises the life of wave solder pot. Longer the life of the wave solder pot the better will be the performance of the wave solder machine and for much longer period.

A titanium wave solder pot liner is that which can be located within the existing cast iron wave solder pot. So that to modernize the on hand wave soldering machine for the lead-free usage of the machines. This titanium liner could be collectively retrofitted to the most models of wave soldering machines. Though it is a cost efficient solution which eliminates the iron dissolution, reduces the solder contamination and keep away from periodic dumping of the solder pot. But it certainly enhances the quality of the product and also gives a consistency to the machine performance so as to produce the best product as the final output of the process.

In a normal tin-lead wave solder pot, impurities like copper fabricates and they develops inter metallic with the tin. This development of the inter metallic causes the reduction in the temperature of the wave solder pot, it allows the pot to be inactive for few hours, and float on the top surface can effortlessly remove the inter metallic. This technique works pretty well as the thickness of the copper-tin inter metallic (CuSn) is 8.28, and tin-lead (SnPb) is 8.80, which allows the copper-tin inter metallic to float.

Episodic preservation of the tin-lead solder pot can simply preserve the copper levels among an acceptable range of 0.15-3.0%. With the enlarged use of tin-copper or silver- copper lead-free wave solder alloys, the situation modifies, since the density of both alloys is less than that of tin-lead.

That was the description of the wave solder pots used normally I hope it will be beneficial to the people involved in the wave soldering processes and to their business as well.


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