Videos were a great invention in their time: you could watch films at home or record footage with your friends and family and see them whenever you felt like it. Today, DVDs and CDs have taken over and videos are museum pieces already.
But you might possibly have a collection of videos that you treasure. You can transfer these videos on DVD or CD format, due to the video conversion methods that exist today.
As a matter of fact, there are some special tools that can help you convert videos into almost all possible formats. Choose from AVI, which can be DivX, Xvid, DV AVI, MP4, WMP, MPEG, Real Video, DVR-MS, MKV, OGM, FLV and many others. You can also choose to split, join, remove commercials, and most importantly edit and apply effects using the video converter.
The most elegant way to convert these videos into any format you want is to use software that was specially created to do this transformation. The software is available from different companies; you can purchase this online or from a computer store near you.
There are also several freeware applications that can help you convert videos. These can be found online through a search engine, which will redirect you to pages where the software can be downloaded from.
The process of converting videos into DVD, or any other format for that matter, is easy. You can reduce the storage capacity that you need to keep DVDs and you can also remove elements that you don't like; such as trailers, adverts and credits. There are numerous ways in which you can make the conversion besides using software, many of these are not widely known.
First of all, the simplest is to go to a specialized firm that will do the job for you. This procedure is the easiest, but it might cost you more than you were expecting in the process. They will most likely charge you per hour of video content, so as you can imagine, this can work out to be pricey.
Another method of transferring the data from a video to a DVD is to purchase a VHS or a DVD recorder. You just enter the video and it will automatically convert it into a DVD through merely pressing a few buttons. The disadvantage of this method is that you don't have many editing options, but this method might work for films. A drawback for this method is that the procedure will last for as long as it takes to play the video, and it may work out costly if you never make use of the recorder in the future.
The third method, which might be a bit more difficult, is to use a video conversion box. This method will give you the opportunity to edit the video as much as you like. It is also more expensive and you have to spend some time, but it will be worth your while in the long run. This method can be a great choice if you are particularly apt with technology.